It seems like only yesterday
You were just a child at play
Now you're all grown up
Inside of me
Oh, how fast those moments flee
Once we wached a lazy world go by
Now the days seem to fly
Life is brief
But when it's gone
Love goes on and on
Love will live
Love will last
Love goes on
And on and on
Once we watched a lazy world go by
Now the days seem to fly
Life is brief
But when it's gone
Love goes on and on...

I love you , my angel !
RăspundețiȘtergereNu prea merge fundalul sobru(a se citi frumos) cu multitudinea de animatii care include printese ,parca...or vrajitoare or nu stiu.Oricum,mi-ai amintit de cand eram la scoala si era in voga "mascatul in frac" si m-a surprins intr-o zi invatatoarea pe un stalp simuland un mascat in frac jobenless,purtator de dioptrii.
RăspundețiȘtergerein ce am scris mai sus nu m-am referit la nici un mascat in frac.este pur si simplu o poezie despre animatiile mie mi se par o imbunatatire.