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marți, 29 iunie 2010

Satisfactie Electrica

    Afara este foarte cald.Sunt intr-un bar cu tine,te privesc in ochi si iti simt dorinta.Te vad cu iti musti buzele in timp ce mana ta mangaie pielea fina de pe gat...simt cum ma ud, imi iau lingurita din bautura si ma joc cu ea privindu-te in ochi.Simt cum dorinta ta creste...te duc la mine acasa tinandu-te in brate.ajunsa in casa arunc tot ce e pe masa si te asez pe ea,ma indrept spre frigider si iau o bucata de gheata...
tu ma privesti dornica si ma chemi sa te duc spre paradis.Ma indrept spre tine si iti sarut buzele dulci si fierbinti,iti simt dorinta cum creste,limba ta intra cu forta salbatica in gura mea si incep sa ti-o sug...simt cu te uzi cand iti simti limba stransa intre buzele mele.
    Ma intind dupa bucata de gheata si o ating de buzele tale si ma joc cu ea umezindu-ti incing, nu mai rezist iti sfasii hainele,iti simt respiratia pe gatul meu,ma cuprind fiorii,incep sa ma joc cu bucata de gheata pe gatul tau.O picatura curge de pe gat spre sanii tai care s-au intarit,ajung la sanii tai,le simt fierbinteala ma joc cu gheata pe ei,te simt cum tremuri...
    Ma apropii cu buzele de sanii tai,ii ating intai cu varful nasului,apoi incet cu buzele...incep sa iti umezesc sanii cu limbuta...te simt cum ma tragi strans spre tine,respiratia ta e grea,ma cobor mai jos spre coapsele tale in timp ce tu iti desfaci picioarele ca si cum ma chemi sa intru.
    Te alint usor cu gheata pe coapse si te sacai apropiindu-ma putin de zona ta fierbinte cobor spre zona calda , ti-o simt foarte fierbinte si extrem de uda,incep sa te ating cu bucata de gheata la pasarica...senzatia de fierbinte-rece te innebuneste...incep sa iti bag doua degete in ea ,simt cum picioarele tale tremura...esti cobor cu limbuta si incep sa-ti dau limbute in timp ce degetele mele intra si ies.
    Incepi sa gemi ,imi strangi pielea cu degetele, iti simt extazul,incep sa te ling si sa bag degetele mai adanc si mai repede...iti dai capul pe spate...simt cum esti aproape de strangi si mai tare,ma doare dar in acelasi timp imi place.simt o mare cum tasneste din tine,ce dulce e...m-am udat toata...simt strigatul tau puternic...
ma ridic spre tine si te iau in brate...
Minunat exact ca in paradis...

sâmbătă, 26 iunie 2010

The Two Talking Cats Translation 2

cel mai funny videoclip.sunt tare dragute,chiar dau impresia ca vorbesc.

joi, 24 iunie 2010

God-des and She : Lick it

Good Evening, Class
I would like to welcome you
To Pussy Eating 101
Pay close attention now

There's rules and regulations about pleasin' a girl
Goin' downtown could really rock her world
But you gotta make sure that you know what you're doin'
There's a map down there that you gotta start learnin'

First, you gotta make sure you rehearse
Move 'round your tongue like your tryin' to curse
'Cause there's nothin' worse than a tongue that doesn't work
Then your girl will be mad and youl feel like a jerk

Spread out her lips before you kiss
You wanna make sure that you find the clit
Lick a little bit then move it all around
Lick it all over 'til you hear her make a sound

Then you know that you found a good spot
Tease it and touch it, but not a lot
Put your mouth on top, you're in control
You can make it happen - fast or slow

Lick it, better lick it right
Touch it, better touch it right
Kiss it, better kiss it right
Do that pussy right

Lick it, better lick it right
Touch it, better touch it right
Kiss it, better kiss it right
Do that pussy right

Don't be bland - better act creative
Be on top of your game and be innovative
Experiment a bit and change it up
Lick a little lower then put it in her butt

Then you can place a finger inside
Make sure that it's wet and easy to glide
If she's really wet, and your finger slides,
Try to put another one inside

But you better still have your mouth on the clit
You know you're doin' good if her legs twitch
Then pick her up and set her on your face
Pick a large area to give her some space

She needs some room to place your mouth where she want it
And let her ride your face like she's about to cum on it
The key to a girl's heart is goin' down south
So come on everybody let her put it in your mouth!

Lick it, better lick it right
Touch it, better touch it right
Kiss it, better kiss it right
Do that pussy right

Lick it, better lick it right
Touch it, better touch it right
Kiss it, better kiss it right
Do that pussy right

Let your mouth do the talkin' and your tongue do the walkin'
Work on your cardio, there is no stoppin'
Get through the pain if your jaw locks
You gotta be a soldier and don't stop

Lick her and finger her at the same time
Feel around the G-spot seek and you shall find
Rub on that spot, lick on top
You got to be coordinated, show her what you got

Once you got that down, put your other hand around
I have to be blunt and not profound
Put your wet pinky finger in her asshole
You're in three different places - it's time to go

Your pinky in her ass and your other in her hole
Your tongue move fast like a drum roll...
If your girl can't come this way,
I guess she's not ready, come back another day

Lick it, better lick it right
Touch it, better touch it right
Kiss it, better kiss it right
Do that pussy right

Lick it, better lick it right
Touch it, better touch it right
Kiss it, better kiss it right
Do that pussy right

Lick it, better lick it right
Touch it, better touch it right
Kiss it, better kiss it right
Do that pussy right

Lick it, better lick it right
Touch it, better touch it right
Kiss it, better kiss it right
Do that pussy right

marți, 22 iunie 2010

*NEW*Lily Allen - Fuck You Very Much

this song is for all the people that have something against gay people

luni, 14 iunie 2010

Kaoma - Lambada

va mai aduceti aminte de aceasta minunata melodie?este veche dar aduce niste amintiri minunate.